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10/02/2021 - Monstrum 2 patch

Ahoy, everyone!

There is now a new patch live with quite a lot of changes that we hope will help improve the quality of the game for you all.

General Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the round timer not working properly

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to pick up items once the game starts

  • Fixed an issue where players would not return to lobby properly if they disconnect during loading

  • Fixed an issue that stopped players from using items after they were healed by another player

  • Fixed an issue that stopped missions from working if HUD was disabled

  • Fixed an issue where the game would not end correctly if a player disconnected

  • Fixed issue with health kit not being usable on someone else unless you had taken damage

  • Fixed the timer in the Malacosm tutorial

  • Added a cooldown to jumping to help prevent bunny-hopping

  • Fixed an issue for players who had reached max levels that resulted in lag spikes

  • Fixed issue where two stairwells were clipping into each other outside the Power Plant

UI Changes

  • The store and inventory screens have been reorganized to have a better layout

  • The store and inventory screen tabs have new icons


  • New Accessories for survivors, Construction helmets x2, Gas Masks x2 and Head Sensors x1

  • Powerline cables visual update

  • Removed railings that were blocking player paths in Helipad

  • Monster vines in helipad updated

  • Changed starting rotation of genetics spinning tanks

  • Added pipes to lab puzzle so that players cannot access it early

  • Vault briefcase puzzle has had some visual clarity improvements

  • Fixed overlapping meshes in Aquatics superblock

  • Updated suite storeroom puzzle

  • Morgue vent puzzle visual clarity update

  • Keycard dispenser updated

  • Updated Card swiper

  • Suite ‘Staff Only’ sign added

  • Male Lobby Idle animation fix

  • Suite Decal fix

  • Vault wall gaps fixed and Security Kit Improvements

  • Sparrowlock Signage replaces HM signage

  • Rusty Staircase Material fix

Audio Changes

  • Changes to music parameter values so that the transitions are less jarring

  • Changes to directional audio for all assets

  • Mixing and range changes to prisoner footsteps

  • Change to Sub movement audio loop

  • Morgue fan audio volume and ranges down

  • Prisoner movement breathing volume mixer added and prisoner breathing volume down (Control slider currently called “Voice Over”)

Known Issues

  • Occasionally, you can be randomly disconnected during loading/in-game (you will not lose any xp you have earned that game)

  • Occasionally, you can still crash out during loading

  • Finishing the prisoner tutorial will not cause the game to return to the main menu; just press escape to bring up the pause menu and exit from there until this is fixed

  • Pressing space during the intro cutscene will cause the monster animation in the intro cutscene to be incorrect. The game will continue as normal once space has been pressed once the player has control

  • The intro cutscene for the monster can occasionally not show the monster’s head

Player Experience & Leveling Balancing Changes

  • Prisoner Maximum Level Rank has increased from 60 to 200

  • Brute Maximum Level Rank has increased from 20 to 50

  • Bhagra Maximum Level Rank has increased from 20 to 50

  • Malacosm Maximum Level Rank has increased from 20 to 50

  • Stayed to the End XP reward increased from 300XP to 500XP

  • Bhagra Ceiling Lunge Kill XP reward increased from 400XP to 450XP

  • Bhagra Ceiling Lunge Kill MC reward increased from 2MC to 3MC

  • Activate Power Switch XP reward increased from 200XP to 250XP

Brute Monster Balancing Changes

  • Brute Sprinting Speed reduced from 5.4mps to 5.22mps

  • Brute Acceleration Speed reduced from 6mps to 5.25mps

  • Brute Charge Ability Cooldown Times:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Unchanged at 15 seconds

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 13 seconds, is now 16 seconds

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 10 seconds, is now 17 seconds

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 10 seconds, is now 18 seconds

  • Brute Roar Ability Cooldown Times:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Unchanged at 30 seconds

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 40 seconds, is now 34 seconds

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 35 seconds, is now 38 seconds

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 30 seconds, is now 42 seconds

  • Brute Roar Ability Durations:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Unchanged at 10 seconds

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 5 seconds, is now 9 seconds

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 5 seconds, is now 8 seconds

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 5 seconds, is now 7 seconds

  • Brute Tremor Ability Cooldown Times:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Was 20 seconds, is now 15 seconds

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 20 seconds, is now 16 seconds

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 20 seconds, is now 17 seconds

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 20 seconds, is now 18 seconds

Bhagra Monster Balancing Changes:

  • Bhagra Tracker Ability Cooldown Times:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Was 30 seconds, is now 20 seconds

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 30 seconds, is now 22 seconds

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 35 seconds, is now 24 seconds

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 30 seconds, is now 26 seconds

  • Bhagra Tracker Ability Durations:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Was 10 seconds, is now 20 seconds

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 10 seconds, is now 18 seconds

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 10 seconds, is now 16 seconds

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 10 seconds, is now 14 seconds

  • Bhagra Lunge Ability Wind Up Times:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Unchanged at 3 seconds

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Unchanged at 2.5 seconds

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 2 seconds, is now 2.25 seconds

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 1.5 seconds, is now 2 seconds

  • Bhagra Lunge Ability Cooldown Times:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Unchanged at 3 seconds

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Unchanged at 2.5 seconds

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 2 seconds, is now 2.25 seconds

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 1.5 seconds, is now 2 seconds

Malacosm Monster Balancing Changes:

  • Malacosm Acceleration Speed increased from 6mps to 7mps

  • Malacosm Clairvoyance Ability Cooldown Times:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Was 25 seconds, is now 15 seconds

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 22 seconds, is now 18 seconds

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 20 seconds, is now 21 seconds

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 18 seconds, is now 24 seconds

Match Timer Balancing Changes

  • Countdown Time for Power Switches & Generator Objectives:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Was 15 minutes, is now 18 minutes

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 15 minutes, is now 17 minutes

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 12.5 minutes, is now 16 minutes

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 12 minutes, is now 15 minutes

  • Countdown Time for the Prepare Escape Vehicle Objectives:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Was 10 minutes, is now 12 minutes

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 9 minutes, is now 11 minutes

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 8 minutes, is now 10 minutes

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 7 minutes, is now 9 minutes

  • Countdown Time for the Board the Vehicle Objectives:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Unchanged at 90 seconds

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 75 seconds, is now 80 seconds

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 60 seconds, is now 70 seconds

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Unchanged at 60 seconds

Mission Objectives Balancing Changes

  • Number of Power Switches Required:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Unchanged at 3 Switches

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Unchanged at 5 Switches

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 7 Switches, is now 6 Switches

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 8 Switches, is now 7 Switches

  • Moon Pool Escape Hoist Stations Available:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Unchanged at 6 Stations

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Unchanged at 7 Stations

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Unchanged at 8 Stations

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 10 Stations, is now 9 Stations

  • Moon Pool Escape Hoist Progress Checkpoints Available:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Was 10 Checkpoints, is now 9 Checkpoints

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 5 Checkpoints, is now 7 Checkpoints

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 4 Checkpoints, is now 5 Checkpoints

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Unchanged at 3 Checkpoints

  • Moon Pool Escape Fuel Line Valves Available:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Was 6 Valves, is now 7 Valves

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 7 Valves, is now 8 Valves

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 8 Valves, is now 9 Valves

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Unchanged at 10 Valves

  • Moon Pool Escape Fuel Line Valves Weld Time:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Unchanged at 3 seconds

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 4 seconds, is now 3.5 seconds

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 5 seconds, is now 4 seconds

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 6 seconds, is now 4.5 seconds

  • Helipad Escape: Helipad Sledgehammer/Boltcutter/Welder Fix Points Required:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Was 2 Fixes each, is now 1 Fix each

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 3 Fixes each, is now 1 Fix each

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 3 Fixes each, is now 2 Fixes each

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 4 Fixes each, is now 2 Fixes each

  • Helipad Escape: Helipad Sledgehammer/Boltcutter/Welder Fix Points Available:

  • Against 1 Prisoner: Was 3 Fixes each, is now 4 Fixes each

  • Against 2 Prisoners: Was 4 Fixes each, is now 5 Fixes each

  • Against 3 Prisoners: Was 5 Fixes each, is now 6 Fixes each

  • Against 4 Prisoners: Was 5 Fixes each, is now 6 Fixes each

Thank you all for bearing with us as we do our best to address the game breaking issues you have all been having!!

Team Junkfish

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